Be a little kinder.


Sometimes you

need a little break…


Sometimes you have to be kinder to yourself. If you shut your eyes and ask what is your body trying to tell you. Take a second with me and scan down, from your crown to your tippy toes and take in all the information that your body is trying to surrender up to you. Are their areas of tightness or tiredness, maybe areas that feel energetic or busy? Any and all of that is okay, there’s no right or wrong it’s just information. Try not to attach judgement to it, just listen.

And then ask yourself if what your body asking for is what you are currently providing? Probably not, and that’s not “bad” but it isn’t ideal, we have to honour our bodies, take that rest day, grab a non-caffeinated drink, cancel out of that heavy strength class and get some pilates in or yoga. Maybe today you just sit and read for an hour, maybe thats how you honour yourself today. And know that it’s perfectly okay to take time for yourself, in fact it’s your duty to, especially during these uncertain times to take great care of yourself. As far as we know right now we only get this one body once so we have to keep that body happy and healthy.

This can be a great daily practice, a little run down of the body and what it needs that day. Try and add it to whatever else you do as part of your morning routine, especially if you already journal or do morning pages it’s super easy to add a little section for your body scan and write down some areas and how they are feeling e.g “hamstring feels extra tight today” and then think okay maybe doing that big session with heavy deadlifts might not be the perfect addition to your day today, maybe some light rehab work and a nice walk will do instead.

Similarly if your body scan is “okay-body feels amazing” then you know that day you can push the limits, hit that spin class hard get that heart rate all the way up and absolutely smash it. And be aware if you are someone who is in the cycles of menstruation then your body will ebb and flow with that cycle too, more information on this to come!

Try and add this in and let me know how it goes!



An introduction to Chakras.

