An introduction to Chakras.
Chakras are areas of sacred power within the body, there are seven chakras within the body, they start at the base of the spine and run all the way to the crown of the head. Each chakra has its own unique profile if you will, with a resonating sound (bija seed sound) and a colour, they also have ‘traits’ or at least they can produce certain feelings and sometimes actions in the body when they are out of balance or blocked.
So let’s start at the base and work our way up:
The Base - Muladhara
The root located at the bottom of the spine, this chakra connects you do your most basic and primal desires. Its colour is red and its sound is LAM.
A balanced muladhara leaves you feeling content and secure, grounded and stable.
If unbalanced or blocked you can feel fearful, unstable and anxious.
Sacral Chakra - Svadhisthana
Your 2nd chakra is found between your base and your belly button, it is the creative and sexual centre of the body. The colour orange and the sound VAM.
A balanced Svadhisthana has you feeling creative, joy and sexuality.
If unbalanced or blocked you can feel inpatient, guilty, and irresponsible.
Solar Plexus - Manipura
The 3rd and last of the lower chakras, your solar plexus is located behind your navel and is the colour yellow with the seed sound RAM.
When balanced the Manipura fills you with confidence, strength and energy.
If blocked or unbalanced it can leave you feeling lethargic, weak and worthless.
Heart - Anahata
In the centre of the chest lies the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, the heart space is the colour green and the sound of YAM.
A balanced and open heart chakra is full of love and has a balance of feeling and intelligence, tolerance and forgiveness.
If blocked the bridge cannot do its job of moving between our earthly desires and our higher consciousness, you can feel jealous, critical and lonely.
Throat - Vishuddha
Located in the neck if the first of the upper chakras, it is the base of communication and self expression, with the colour blue and the bija seed sound HAM.
When unbalanced it can manifest as fear or inability to communicate your needs.
When balanced and open there should be an ease when communicating and confidence in your expression of self.
Third Eye - Anja
Between your eyebrows if your third eye, centre of intuition, vision and perception. OM is the sound of this chakra and its colour is indigo.
When open and balanced your third eye should aid your intuition or 6th sense.
If blocked it can leave you feeling a lack of intuition and imagination.
The Crown - Sahasrara
The “thousand petal lotus” or crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It’s sound is OM (same as Anja) and it’s colour is purple or white.
An open crown chakra will feel wise, free, connected to the universe.
A blocked crown will feel broken, apathetic, fearful.
When all seven chakras are working together, unblocked and balanced you will feel an ease and a connection from mind to heart to body. Just as we have veins that carry blood and we have neurons that carry information we have these amazing chakras that carry energy up and down the body.
That is a whistle stop tour of the chakras! I know it is quite a lot and it does take some time to get aquatinted with the seven but they can be an amazing tool to aid you and guide you, in your yoga practice but also in your daily life.
All seven chakra icons and colours.