

Hello it’s me, my names Rae if you don’t know me. A while ago I launched an Instagram account focused around my work in Yoga and Fitness (@rae.infinityfitness give it a follow, if you don’t already) Now I feel the next step is to focus my writings around fitness and life into more of a blog style on this very website.

When I first started my instagram it was called Sumo yoga, which started as an inside joke around Sumo Deadlifts but I feel as I’ve gone along this journey the direction of it has shifted and I want to officially launch Infinity Curve as my brand? I guess a brand would be the best description of it.

So why Infinity Curve? Well. Fitness is this ever growing, ever changing thing that ebbs and flows with time and really never begins or ends just like an infinity sign and just as energy cannot be created or destroyed just transform, it’s this one continuous loop that goes on forever. So Infinity Curve felt fitting and just spoke to my soul.

Hope you’ll be along for the journey, have a gander around my website, book in a session, send me a message, hope to speak to you soon!



Be a little kinder.