I know who I am and who I am is ENOUGH.
I have known myself for a long time, there are fundamentals about my personality that have never changed and to be really honest, I love that about myself. However, I think there is a struggle in this ‘knowing myself’, or more-so an issue with acceptance that who I am, this person I have become is enough. I think this is a universal truth for many people, particularly young women, that we are doing enough, being enough, for ourselves, our partners, our family. You need to be skinny enough, smart enough, have a good work ethic but not so much that you’re a bore, be promiscuous enough but don’t be slutty, make enough but don’t make too much money. It’s absolute minefield of expectation, societal standards and pressures that create this feeling, this overwhelming sense that you will never be enough.
But I think there is incredible power, something rebellious about radical self acceptance of yourself. Realising that you don’t need to change or wait or be anything more or less that what you are right now. And this is where this weeks mantra has stemmed from, I have sat with myself in mediation and I repeat these words; “I know who I am and who I am is enough.” Although at first my body almost pulls physically away from that statement, immediate screams from the back of my mind telling me, trying to convince me it’s not true, I continue to sit with these words, journal over the content of the phrase and come to a level of acceptance. That no I am not perfect, I don’t think a human can be, but I am enough, and that is all I can be.
Journalling Exercise:
‘Who Am I?’
Write 3-5 words or phrases that come to mind.
What is one thing you love about yourself? Why?
‘I am accepting of who I am’
What do you think holds you back from acceptance of yourself?
Who do you think holds you back from acceptance of yourself?
How could you better love and accept yourself?
‘I am enough’
Write down the more recent moment that you felt you were not enough.
How could you have been kinder to yourself in that moment?
Remember as with all journalling this is just an exercise, there are no right or wrong answer to the questions, don’t feel limited by the questions, write down anything you feel or what to say. This is a jumping off point, not the end of the journey. Be honest, be open and don’t judge yourself.